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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Obama Continues Moving Toward Center

As more and more of the Obama administration is announced, the most striking feature is the centrism of his appointments. In fact, they are so centrist, there are already cries of protest from the left, and Karl Rove has offered tepid support. Though in one way such a move is somewhat surprising, it also underscores the lack of a knowledge base about President Elect Obama, from which predictions could be drawn.

For those of us who opposed Mr. Obama's candidacy, this is a welcome surprise. Though it is very early to make any judgements on what policy will actually be in the new administration, the early signs point away from a significant swing to the left, the outcome most feared by most who preferred Mr. McCain.

Mr. Obama benefits from following Mr. Bush in many ways. Not the least of these is that by moving so far to the right and fake-right, Mr. Bush in effect enlarged the middle of the political spectrum. By moving into this space, Mr. Obama can protect himself from both a midterm challenge, which a President who has a party majority in both houses usually faces, and cement his lead with the moderate voters who gave him the presidency. Freed from ever facing a challenge from the left, he can virtually assure himself a second term, assuming a moderately successful first term, where he can move to the left if he so chooses. Whether he chooses to do so or not, he very well may have that option.

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