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Monday, November 24, 2008

Children Need Play Time

Finally, a group of experts is saying we are harming our children by not allowing them enough time to play. In modern America way too much time is taken up in children's lives by school and other structured activities.

First, speaking with only my personal experience as a guide, much, if not most, of school time is a waste. I was homeschooled for one year. In that time, I jumped what I estimate to be at least 4-5 years of public school. I did what felt like 30-60 minutes of work a day. In my experience, most effort in public school is forcing children to obey rules. Much of the rest is make-work to take up time. Granted, I was somewhat adept at academics, but I was no savant.

Second, too many parents want to delegate their responsibility of raising their children to others, such as coaches, the schools, TV, and anyone else. This is what leads to young children having booked 14 hour days. It's not healthy. Children need time with books and open-to-interpretation toys in order to be healthy emotionally and mentally. In my personal opinion, over-exposing children to TV is borderline child abuse. My own parents did an excellent job of this, and that is one of the reasons all of their children are successes(well, some would argue about me).

I sincerely hope that this new evidence is not brushed aside by the establishment, and is instead embraced as the critical truth that it is. Playing to "what about the children" is standard justification for all kinds of issues. In this case, it really is about the children, not the transference of adults.

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