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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good Riddance To A GOP Senator

It now appears that Senator Ted Stevens (R, AK) has lost his senate seat. Faithful readers know I slightly prefer the GOP to the Democratic party, and that I shudder at the thought of a Democratic super majority. However, Sen. Stevens was emblematic of the problems with the Republican party. He channeled billions and billions of pork to his home district. He, along with Sen. Byrd (D, WV), is the poster child for wasteful government spending. Not content with merely plundering the public treasury, he also openly took bribes, and was convicted of a felony in Federal court. The fact that the RNC didn't disavow him and sue to keep him from running as a Republican shows their political greed and cowardice. Fortunately, the voters finally had enough and stopped the madness. In this case, it was worth it to lose a senate seat over principle.

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