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Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Take On The New War On Success

Over at CNBC, in the NBC family which is the farthest left of the MSM, Larry Kudlow has an excellent column which says Obama is declaring war on investors, entrepreneurs and business.

The real question I have is this: When are the real conservatives going to show up? President Bush sure wasn't one. Mr. McCain wasn't either. The party has rejected it's true conservative voice in Ron Paul. If the Republicans don't move past complaining and propaganda, they risk losing their chance at a rebound when the Obama administration's policies fail.

Glimmer Of Hope

In the darkness of some of the oppressive new Obama administration, there is a glimmer of light that they may make some concessions on medical marijuana and lessen the federal enforcement of marijuana laws.

Fascism We Can Believe In

The Obama administration has unleashed a new multi-pronged attack on freedom. The net result is a complete undermining of personal freedom and responsibility and a massive expansion of government.

As always, they start with guns. By disarming a nation, you force them to rely on the state for protection. The most fundamental responsibility is for your own protection. By forcing you to give this over to them, they are forcing you to give part of the control of your life over to them. So it was no surprise that despite assurances to the contrary, there is a new "assault weapons ban" in the pipeline. This was announced by AG Holder, previously noted for calling the US a "nation of cowards". Semi-automatic rifles are critical for self defense. They are much easier to use and more accurate than pistols or shotguns, especially for women and the elderly. It has been all but proven that gun control does not reduce crime, and that in fact, more guns prevent crime. Of course, that is not their goal. The goal is control.

The next target is people who are successful. They are being targeted with significantly higher taxes and lower deductions. The liberal establishment will whine that these taxes are not that high by historical standards. The real issue is that, increasingly, only the successful pay any taxes at all, and much of that tax money is given to the unsuccessful. Once again, by punishing success and encouraging mediocrity, the state forces reliance on them.

Despite savaging the successful, allegedly to help the poor, there is also an attack on charities. The tax deduction for giving to them is being curtailed. This would not make sense if the goal was to actually help poor people, as private charity is much more efficient than government aid. Rather the goal is to eliminate competition with the government and force the poor to rely on the state, rather than the private sector.

The coming months and the 2010 election are going to be a critical battle for freedom. I urge everyone to educate themselves and others, and to make your voice heard.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Unlike the police in the earlier article I posted, the Atlanta police who shot a 92 year old women in a fraudulent drug raid have been sent to prison. Due to the lax enforcement of due process, and outright fraudulent behavior of police in some cases, we will never know how many illegal raids have been conducted.

There is the beginnings of a common sense answer to this issue in California. Hopefully this nation will come to its senses before too many more lives are lost.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm really interested in seeing this movie, even though I doubt it's anything new to me:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Big Brother

In President Obama's hometown, they are vowing to bring the Orwellian nightmare of constant surveillance to reality. This will come in the form of a security camera ON EVERY CORNER! Your every public movement will be recorded and tracked. There is no way that this can be justified. The excuse is to combat crime rate, of which Chicago has one of the worst in the nation. The reason for that is simple. Chicago, like the other most violent cities, does not allow citizens to protect themselves by carrying weapons. Therefore, the criminals know that their victims will be unarmed. The real qualm I have is that these cities view your personal protection as the role of the police. This is simply wrong. It is not the police's responsibility to protect you. It is YOUR responsibility to protect yourself. The police are there for extraordinary situations, and to arrest people who are guilty of a crime. Their job is not to protect you. No police officer will ever be as motivated to protect you or your family as you are. Therefore, they will never do it as well as you. Citizens must demand the right to protect themselves.
Wow. In possibly the worst sign yet, Prime Minister Putin of Russia is warning the US, and the rest of the world not to fall into the trap of socialism.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Latest Shenanigans

Though they have been cutting a more centrist path on actual policy than many feared, the Obama administration is continuing in one of the worst bipartisan traditions, giving a bunch of money we don't have to people who don't deserve it. The housing bill is probably the worst of the worst. On CNBC, which is a part of the farthest left branch of the American media, they showed and posted to their website traders on the floor openly lamenting and calling for a new Boston Tea Party. It's pretty bad when the farthest left MSM is comparing your administration to Cuba. Even high school students are starting to see through the propaganda and doubting the man their age group supported wholeheartedly. The fact that inflation is already creeping back, before all the spending, is also extremely worrying.

On top of all this, it is becoming pretty clear that all the "Change!" slogans were just that. Mr. Obama plays the fear card just as often as Mr. Bush did. What's worse is that it is quite possible that the Obama administration may be more corrupt than the Bush administration. Here is a list of some of the shadiness, and he hasn't even been in office a month yet.

Perhaps to distract from all of this, the New Attorney General laid down a royal flush of race cards, calling America a "nation of cowards" on race. He said this at an official Justice Department function celebrating Black History month. This is ludicrous. Blacks comprise roughly 11% of the US population. Yet they head both majority political parties(Mr. Obama and Mr. Steele), are President and Attorney General, and are represented on the Supreme Court. What other post-industrial country can claim anything like that? The closest is Israel, which is also vilified for being racist. Has an Arab run France? Has anyone from the Indian subcontinent headed Britain? Has a person of African descent run any country in Europe? Quite honestly, this is shameful and Mr. Holder should resign.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's Been A While

It's been a little while since I blogged, partly being busy and partly being lazy. Here's my comments on the last three blog posts by someone who's not lazy, Becky:

It's a shame the 9th and 10th Amendments have been trampled so thoroughly. These are two of the most important amendments to the constitution, yet they are glossed over in public indoctrination/school. They specifically limit the powers of the Federal government to keep it contained. They have been increasingly ignored in recent years, which has resulted in much erosion of liberties.

The idiot sheriff where the photo of Phelps smoking was snapped is attempting to launch an investigation. Anyone who reads here knows how I feel about the war on Drug/liberty. This is a perfect example. We have a someone who wants to make a name for himself and is willing to trample over all kinds policies and procedures to do so. This is likely the same reason he, under the guise of the war on liberty/drugs bought a APC with a belt fed .50 cal for the police department. Speaking as someone who loves guns, and would love to own an M2, there is no reason for local law enforcement to have one, it will likely end badly.

Further shredding the Constitution, DC looks likely to get representation despite that being unconstitutional. If you want to modify the constitution, you have to pass an amendment. It's that simple.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Detention Camps In The USA?

As if we didn't have enough to worry about these days, an corrupt congressman wants to establish military detention camps for US civilians on the mainland. Becky's analysis in the linked blog article is pretty much spot on.

Granted, this is still just a proposal, but this is the type of thing that must be fought tooth and nail. The wholesale abridgments of the Bill of Rights have been steadily increasing over the last century. This proposed atrocity would show that the promise of the Obama campaign couldn't be farther from the truth.

The fact is that this is one of the final pieces in the puzzle of how the US is setting up the potential for a military state. The original pieces were slow in coming but picked up dramatically with the "War On Drugs" which is really a war on liberty. An excellent example is here. I've covered the story before, but it really highlights the reason I talk about the war on drugs/liberty so much. The short version of the story is this: a small town mayor is minding his own business, innocent of any crime, when a SWAT team bursts into his house without identifying themselves, kills his dogs, handcuffs the entire family while screaming at them at gunpoint, ransacks the house, doesn't find anything, shrugs and leaves. They then refuse to apologize, officially clear them despite not one shred of evidence, comment on the story, or change policy. This is despite the fact that the only reason for the raid was a package of marijuana addressed to the couple, which was delivered by the police, who were investigating people mailing drugs to random innocent people. There is literally not one thing you can do to prevent this from happening to you.

After the war on drugs trampled the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Bush administration added the practices of warrantless wiretapping and extrajudicial detention for American citizens. With the final additions of detention camps the following becomes a very real scenario:

A terrorist ships something to you, intending to intercept it. It is identified in transit. They issue a no-knock warrant for your arrest. They kick in your door, shoot your pets in front of your children, handcuff everyone in the house while not identifying themselves, screaming instructions. They then ransack your house, dumping out every drawer and overturning furniture, then take you out to a waiting van where you, for all intents and purposes, disappear. You are taken to a detention center where it is decided you are an enemy combatant. You get no lawyer. Your family may be told you are in custody at some point, perhaps not. You may be tortured, or near-tortured. At some point, you may or may not get a hearing at a military tribunal, however, the normal rules do not apply, you may not choose your lawyer, all sorts of usually prohibited evidence is allowed, and the standard of guilt is lower. Your family will not be informed until it is over. After that, you may be imprisoned for life, executed, or released.

The above, while unlikely, is technically possible with the law and practices stretched to their limit. When we don't stand up for our rights, they are taken from us. This is the reason all infringements of the Constitution must be publicized and fought against at the ballot box and in the court of public opinion.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama Admits Mistake With Daschle

Well, here's something I can give President Obama some credit for. He admitted that not caring about the Daschle tax fraud was a mistake. Despite plenty of opportunities, Mr. Bush was never very good at admitting mistakes.

One would think someone as astute as Mr. Obama, or at least one of his advisers, would figure out that it was a bad idea to nominate three separate people with tax non-payment issues. It cannot be repeated enough that these are pro-tax people by and large. While it may be illegal for Republicans and Libertarians to evade taxes, it is at least not hypocritical.

President Obama noted that as he had run on a platform of change, it was not good to imply that politically connected people were treated differently than the public. Of course, it will continue to be true, but if he wants to get re-elected, he shouldn't throw it in people's faces.

Do Any Democratic Politicans Pay Their Taxes?

Another day, another Democrats discovered cheating on their taxes. Nancy Killefer withdrew from consideration for Performance Czar after it was revealed she didn't pay taxes on household help. It's hard to claim ignorance or incompetence when you're a former Assistant Treasury Secretary. Former Senator Tom Daschle finally withdrew from his HHS nomination after he realized it mattered that he committed tax fraud.

So far the recent list includes at least:

1. Rangel
2. Geithner
3. Kennedy
4. Daschle
5. Killefer

Yet, according to Vice President Biden, paying taxes is patriotic. So does that mean a large portion of the Democratic party is not patriotic?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

No More Olympics For Phelps Over... Pot?

So it looks like Micheal Phelps may be in a lot of trouble due to a picture of him smoking a bong. This simply shows the irrationality of governmental bodies when it comes to drugs. Why should something he does in his recreational time prevent him from competing. There is no allegation that he swam baked, but under the rules that has no bearing. Even if he did, does anyone really think it would help him?

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that the real reason governments have pushed to use sanctioning bodies to punish illegal recreational drugs is because it disproves their lies about the dangers of these drugs. They want to portray these substances as being ruinous to health and success, and when athletes show that not to be the case, it undermines the propaganda. Remember, this is an organization that profits from two of the most lethal drugs there are, tobacco and alcohol.

There will likely be an outcry that Phelps is a horrible role model. This is hypocritical. How many athletes drink openly? Which kills more people by itself? As far as I know, no one has ever smoked themselves to death with marijuana, but plenty of people have died of alcohol poisoning.

Or will this be an example of real change brought about by Mr. Obama? Remember, he openly admits having smoked marijuana many times. He even promised to try to decriminalize it before he got too mainstream.

The old lie that marijuana will ruin your motivation is dead. What, if you smoke you mind end up only being President? Only winning 14 gold medals? Only starting in the NFL like Ricky Williams and dozens more?

It's time for the lies and hypocrisy to end. Banning performance enhancing drugs is one thing. But drawing capricious and arbitrary lines regarding recreation is ridiculous.
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