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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Latest Shenanigans

Though they have been cutting a more centrist path on actual policy than many feared, the Obama administration is continuing in one of the worst bipartisan traditions, giving a bunch of money we don't have to people who don't deserve it. The housing bill is probably the worst of the worst. On CNBC, which is a part of the farthest left branch of the American media, they showed and posted to their website traders on the floor openly lamenting and calling for a new Boston Tea Party. It's pretty bad when the farthest left MSM is comparing your administration to Cuba. Even high school students are starting to see through the propaganda and doubting the man their age group supported wholeheartedly. The fact that inflation is already creeping back, before all the spending, is also extremely worrying.

On top of all this, it is becoming pretty clear that all the "Change!" slogans were just that. Mr. Obama plays the fear card just as often as Mr. Bush did. What's worse is that it is quite possible that the Obama administration may be more corrupt than the Bush administration. Here is a list of some of the shadiness, and he hasn't even been in office a month yet.

Perhaps to distract from all of this, the New Attorney General laid down a royal flush of race cards, calling America a "nation of cowards" on race. He said this at an official Justice Department function celebrating Black History month. This is ludicrous. Blacks comprise roughly 11% of the US population. Yet they head both majority political parties(Mr. Obama and Mr. Steele), are President and Attorney General, and are represented on the Supreme Court. What other post-industrial country can claim anything like that? The closest is Israel, which is also vilified for being racist. Has an Arab run France? Has anyone from the Indian subcontinent headed Britain? Has a person of African descent run any country in Europe? Quite honestly, this is shameful and Mr. Holder should resign.

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