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Friday, February 27, 2009

Fascism We Can Believe In

The Obama administration has unleashed a new multi-pronged attack on freedom. The net result is a complete undermining of personal freedom and responsibility and a massive expansion of government.

As always, they start with guns. By disarming a nation, you force them to rely on the state for protection. The most fundamental responsibility is for your own protection. By forcing you to give this over to them, they are forcing you to give part of the control of your life over to them. So it was no surprise that despite assurances to the contrary, there is a new "assault weapons ban" in the pipeline. This was announced by AG Holder, previously noted for calling the US a "nation of cowards". Semi-automatic rifles are critical for self defense. They are much easier to use and more accurate than pistols or shotguns, especially for women and the elderly. It has been all but proven that gun control does not reduce crime, and that in fact, more guns prevent crime. Of course, that is not their goal. The goal is control.

The next target is people who are successful. They are being targeted with significantly higher taxes and lower deductions. The liberal establishment will whine that these taxes are not that high by historical standards. The real issue is that, increasingly, only the successful pay any taxes at all, and much of that tax money is given to the unsuccessful. Once again, by punishing success and encouraging mediocrity, the state forces reliance on them.

Despite savaging the successful, allegedly to help the poor, there is also an attack on charities. The tax deduction for giving to them is being curtailed. This would not make sense if the goal was to actually help poor people, as private charity is much more efficient than government aid. Rather the goal is to eliminate competition with the government and force the poor to rely on the state, rather than the private sector.

The coming months and the 2010 election are going to be a critical battle for freedom. I urge everyone to educate themselves and others, and to make your voice heard.

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