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Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's Been A While

It's been a little while since I blogged, partly being busy and partly being lazy. Here's my comments on the last three blog posts by someone who's not lazy, Becky:

It's a shame the 9th and 10th Amendments have been trampled so thoroughly. These are two of the most important amendments to the constitution, yet they are glossed over in public indoctrination/school. They specifically limit the powers of the Federal government to keep it contained. They have been increasingly ignored in recent years, which has resulted in much erosion of liberties.

The idiot sheriff where the photo of Phelps smoking was snapped is attempting to launch an investigation. Anyone who reads here knows how I feel about the war on Drug/liberty. This is a perfect example. We have a someone who wants to make a name for himself and is willing to trample over all kinds policies and procedures to do so. This is likely the same reason he, under the guise of the war on liberty/drugs bought a APC with a belt fed .50 cal for the police department. Speaking as someone who loves guns, and would love to own an M2, there is no reason for local law enforcement to have one, it will likely end badly.

Further shredding the Constitution, DC looks likely to get representation despite that being unconstitutional. If you want to modify the constitution, you have to pass an amendment. It's that simple.

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