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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Biden Needs To Resign

Joe Biden has long been putting his foot in his mouth. However, his latest irresponsibility is too much. He is spreading panic over the so-called "Swine Flu" in a complete disregard for the economy and public order. It's not that he intends to be malicious, he just simply doesn't think before he speaks, and when you are the Vice President, that is unacceptable. Enough is enough, we need a new Vice President before his unthinking wording cost lives. If he does not realize it, President Obama should request his resignation.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Waste Of Resources

So apparently the precursor to SKYNET is going to be drones to sniff out marijuana. Governments are so terrified of people getting high in way that won't harm them and they don't pay taxes on, instead of ways like alcohol that will harm them but that they pay taxes on, that they are developing robots to spy on them. Doesn't anybody else see how insane this is?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Maybe You Don't Do That Again

I know there is a learning curve with running the country. The Obama Administration has learned the hard way that it's a bad idea to fly an Air Force One and two F-16s 1000 ft above New York, and not warn people. There's gotta be a better way to spend $300k.

Specter's Switch

Sen. Arlen Specter (PA) switched parties today, officially becoming a democrat. He claims that this is a result of changes in his constituency, which has been moving steadily democratic. Skeptics point to conservative challenges looming in the primary. In either case, this just goes to show how little difference there is between the parties. The Republicans are just Democrat Lites. Making a switch requires only a subtle difference. If only there was a viable third party...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama Administration Seeking To Strip More Rights

Taking over smoothly from the Bush Administration, the Obama Administration wants to remove an obstacle to police interrogation. It has asked the Supreme Court to allow police to continue to question suspects who have a lawyer or who have asked for one. This opens the door to a variety of interrogation tactics that come closer to Guantanamo Bay than people would imagine. Sure, it's not the Bush Administration pushing for actually torturing American citizens, but it'd likely result in much broader application.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's Next?

Yesterday, there were tax protests across the country. Despite what partisans on either side said, these were not simplistic Republican rallies. In fact, they just might signal the end of the Republican party. Many of the signs decried steps taken by Bush, and the debt and deficit that were created in large part by Republicans. Republican numbers have been declining for a while now, and they essentially have no national vibrant leadership. The RNC chairman was denied the speaking role he requested at a tea party. People are catching on that the Republican party has become Democrat Lite. Right now the only thing saving them is the even greater lack of libertarian leadership. This may not last indefinitely.

The political atmosphere is becoming increasingly charged. The DHS keeps warning of right wing extremism without much evidence, and is blindly lashing out at veterans. This is ugly, foolish and unnecessary. As a chicken and egg effect, gun sales continue to soar. Waiting lists are over a year long, and factories are running 24hrs a day. The backlash against gun control is so strong, not only has a group of congressional democrats announced they will block any, even the President has backed off plans for it.

Backing up the claims of those who fear a stronger government, it was announced that the NSA had dramatically overstepped it's legal authority, and had spied on millions of people it didn't have the authority to spy on.

Despite DHS's assertions that it's only the "extremists" that are concerned by the growth of Federal power, even State Governors are speaking out. Texas' went as far as to mention secession, which hasn't been brought up by someone that prominent within memory.

It is far too early to tell what changes will come from this situation. But it seems certain that some will, and they may have ramifications for years to come.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Second Militia Movement?

The DHS is warning of a possible surge in "militia" and "right wing" activity. It is important, of course, to protect Americans against skinheads, crackpots and anyone who would use violence to make a political point. There is no doubt that white supremacist are using the election of President Obama to try to boost membership. Such groups must be monitored, and, when they break the law, punished.

However, in our vigilance against violent extremists, we must not dampen legitimate discussion. The government is in a phase of unprecedented expansion, and we must not allow those who object to be painted with the extremist brush. There have already been instances where a Ron Paul bumper sticker has been cited as possible probable cause to search a car. This is despicable political repression.

With the Texas government speaking out against the expansion of Federal power, the debate is likely to get more heated. Hopefully, legitimate discussion does not become collateral damage of the fight against extremism.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Capitalism Is The Answer

Glancing over the headlines today, I was struck by two examples of how capitalism can solved problems so much better than the government:

In response to America's increasingly broken health care system, store such as Walmart, CVS and Walgreens are opening thier own health clinics which can treat basic illnesses quickly, effectively and cheaply.

A Chinese company is poised to ovetake the electric car and battery market. It is also working towards making it's batteries 100% biodegradable. You can drink the battery fluid. Are they profitable? Buffet had to buy less than he wanted of the company. That says it all.

American Pirates

So the SEALs defeated a trio of Somali Pirates, and even in my somewhat cynical view, the Captain is a hero for offering himself as a hostage to free his crew. All's well that ends well, except that the Pirates have now vowed to kill Americans on sight.

The whole episode evoked the principles of one of my most passionate issues to me. I'm going to skip over the whole International/Maritime/Admiralty law specifics here, and just deal with concepts.

Start with this: You are sailing through an area where there is known Pirate activity. You know that if you put out a distress call, highly trained and armed people will arrive to help as soon as they can. Don't you still want to be able to defend yourself?

This is where most Americans are with criminals. For the majority of Americans, they live within reasonable traveling distance from a criminal with violent tendencies. If they call for help, it will arrive as soon as possible. However, in the intervening time, if you are unarmed, there is nothing keeping them from killing you, harming you, or taking you hostage. It is a basic human right to be able to protect one's self. That right can be supplemented by police, but not replaced by it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Americans Don't Want Gun Control

Only 39% of Americans want more gun control. This number has been slowly dropping for years, yet has dropped precipitously recently, despite the recent spate of highly publicized shootings. The reasons are likely complex. The pollsters attribute much of the drop to a distrust of the Obama administration. Also likely is a larger distrust of government as a whole to do a competent job at anything. The fact that the AWB did nothing certainly didn't prevent any crime took some of the mystique out of gun control. Believe it or not, the cultural phenomenon of the Zombie Apocalypse probably played a role as well.

It now appears that a new Assault Weapons Ban is unlikely. In fact, 65 Congressional Democrats begged President Obama not to attempt to pass one, and vowed not to vote for anything resembling it. Congressman Mike Ross led the group, and is to be commended.

Right and wrong aren't dependant on popularity, but it's nice to see many Americans see through the propaganda.

Apparently Obama Doesn't Want A Second Term

President Obama will apparently push for a bill that would legalize illegal immigrants. While I personally have only a few qualms with this, it may well be a political invasion of Russia, especially right now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Obama Election: Stimulus For Gun Manufacturers

The boom in gun sales that started as soon as President Obama got elected continues to expand. It is increasingly difficult to even find semiauto rifles and standard ammunition. Factory orders are full for months on end. The price of ammo has skyrocketed. Money is pouring into the gun industry, which will hopefully means it has the resources to withstand the eventual attack of the Obama administration, led by Eric "The US is a nation of cowards" Holder. With someone who plays so fast and loose with the truth in charge of the coming draconian crackdown on personal self defense, one shudders to think what absurd promises will be made to the ignorant masses to try to gain their assent. "When we ban Human Killing Weapons(or whatever new made up term they'll use), not only will there never be another crime, but puppies and kittens will lick away all your tears!" This is pretty much the main thing the Republican party is any good for, so if they roll over on this like they have so many times before on self defense, my last vestiges of respect for them may go out the door with my freedoms.

The most ironic part of this is that the Obama Administration's fascist "solution" to gun crime will undoubtedly create more of it. People who otherwise would not buy a semiauto rifle or handgun are now going out and buying one because they may never get another chance. These, for the most part, are not the ideal gun owners, who generally own the majority of guns. So instead of sitting safely at a gun store, it's gathering dust unsecured under a bed, waiting to be stolen, pawned illegally or used in a crime.

If a ban is passed, then what? There are two possibilities: a total ban, or a ban on new production or importation. A ban on new production and importation is much more likely, but will not do much except drive up the price, making theft more enticing. But everyone who bought them before the ban will still have them, and the number will be higher than if the subject was never brought up. The less likely total ban would be even worse. The guns would be required to be either destroyed, or turned in for a token sum. In either case, many, many gun owners will simply file away the serial numbers and sell them onto the black market, and report the gun stolen or destroyed. All this is not even taking into account the loss of freedom and security by law abiding citizens.

Much of this hinges on the 2010 midterm elections. Mr. Obama likely does not have the political capital to push this through before then, as congressional Democrats remember the fate of the Democratic congress who voted in the last abridgement of the second amendment.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Drug Testing For Government Money?

So, some politicians who want to make a name for themselves are proposing drug testing people who receive unemployment, welfare, etc from the government. First off, in the case of unemployment, it's the money they paid into the system, so it's not government money/taxpayer money anyway. As far as everything else, decide whether you are going to treat them as a human or an animal. Either give them the money, and let them spend it as they see fit, or give them the food, housing, etc, that you consider proper. This is ridiculous political grandstanding.

On the topic of regulating what people who get government money can do, how about keeping the Iraqis from executing people for being gay(and don't pull out your bibles/Korans unless your going to execute people for everything included under the death penalty)?

Obama Raises Taxes On The Poor

President Obama has just broken one of his major campaign promises. He and his running mate repeatedly promised that there would be no tax raises on the poor. He just signed a bill which skyrockets tobacco taxes. Liberal tax analysts have long decried such taxes because they take a much larger portion of the poor's income than the rich, and because the poor are more like to smoke than the rich [probably has something to do with discipline(preemptive disclaimer: I've quit smoking. It's not that hard)].
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