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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Apparently Obama Doesn't Want A Second Term

President Obama will apparently push for a bill that would legalize illegal immigrants. While I personally have only a few qualms with this, it may well be a political invasion of Russia, especially right now.


Courtney said...

I'm confused. I thought a wide section of his base supported this. Besides, won't legalizing the illegals totally win him over with the Hispanics? If they are not already, they will soon be the ethnic majority in the United States. Seems like a smart move on his part from that perspective.

The Editor said...

Well, about 50-65% of his base will love it. However, about 20-30% will absolutely hate it, and break into South Park-esqe "Dey turk ahr jahbs!". It will also bring out all kinds of people who are single issue voters/watch too much(any) Lou Dobbs. It will also give Republicans a huge, (in many people's mind's) simplistic talking point.

Hispanics are actually very polarized about immigration. It's not a sure fire, get 100% of the Hispanic vote thing. It probably won't really change his percentages with them. Remember as well that a huge majority of Hispanics are Catholic, so pro-choice=from the devil.

For all I disagree with his policy, the man is a gifted and nimble politician. He may be able to win with this. But if I were his adviser, I would say the risks outweigh the rewards.

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