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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Biden Needs To Resign

Joe Biden has long been putting his foot in his mouth. However, his latest irresponsibility is too much. He is spreading panic over the so-called "Swine Flu" in a complete disregard for the economy and public order. It's not that he intends to be malicious, he just simply doesn't think before he speaks, and when you are the Vice President, that is unacceptable. Enough is enough, we need a new Vice President before his unthinking wording cost lives. If he does not realize it, President Obama should request his resignation.


Jeff said...

Don't you think you're being a bit over the top? I mean, really.

Ezra Klein over at The American Prospect has an interesting post on this issue:

courtney said...

You can't expect Biden to resign unless he actually causes panic and mayhem and the shutdown of mass transit and such things.

Just because he acts like a horse's ass in public doesn't mean he's disqualified to perform his duties as VP -- it just makes him idiotic; idiocy makes him ideal for politics.

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