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Friday, February 20, 2009

Big Brother

In President Obama's hometown, they are vowing to bring the Orwellian nightmare of constant surveillance to reality. This will come in the form of a security camera ON EVERY CORNER! Your every public movement will be recorded and tracked. There is no way that this can be justified. The excuse is to combat crime rate, of which Chicago has one of the worst in the nation. The reason for that is simple. Chicago, like the other most violent cities, does not allow citizens to protect themselves by carrying weapons. Therefore, the criminals know that their victims will be unarmed. The real qualm I have is that these cities view your personal protection as the role of the police. This is simply wrong. It is not the police's responsibility to protect you. It is YOUR responsibility to protect yourself. The police are there for extraordinary situations, and to arrest people who are guilty of a crime. Their job is not to protect you. No police officer will ever be as motivated to protect you or your family as you are. Therefore, they will never do it as well as you. Citizens must demand the right to protect themselves.

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