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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Obama Got Elected

As I was glancing over my blogger feed, I noticed a new item from Copious Dissent, where he linked to a website for an upcoming film, entitled "How Obama Got Elected". There is an extended trailer of the film, where Obama voters are interviewed, and are just missing basic questions about the election. As I watched it, I kinda chuckled, figuring the producers did a good job of finding some uninformed voters. Then I went to the website, and scrolled down past the video, and saw that they actually commissioned a Zogby poll to confirm the tendencies. Just as in the video, the majority of Obama voters did not do very well answering the questions.

Of course, this is not to say only uninformed people voted for Mr. Obama, nor did all of the uniformed people vote for him. There are plenty of idiots who vote Republican, too. However, the larger issue of the uninformed voting has to be addressed, at some point. The founders never intended everyone to vote, and there was a reason for that.

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