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Friday, November 21, 2008

Romney On Detroit

Mitt Romney wrote an editorial outlining how he would fix Detroit, and it's an interesting read. I was not a particular fan of Mr. Romney during the primaries, mostly due to his political flip-flopping. However, his business experience may well have been able carry him to the White House, had he been the nominee in the homestretch. It may have also hurt him, as CEO's were not held in high esteem at the same time. However, regardless of Mr. Romney's particular qualifications, political parties should be open to successful businessmen as candidates. As the office of the President is increasingly about managing the nation's economy, they will always have more experience than politicians in managing the bottom line. They are also more in tune with the challenges faced by businesses.

It is too early to know if Romney will run again in 2012. It will be interesting to see both whether he runs, and whether he is tapped as a VP candidate.

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