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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Who I'll Vote For And Why

We have finally reached election day. Even I'm sick of it, which means most of America must be miserable. The time has come for my last post on this election. I generally don't do endorsements. I'm just going to share who I'm going to vote for, and just as importantly, who I'm not going to vote for.

It will come as no surprise to those who read this blog on a regular basis that I will not vote for Barrack Obama. While there are a few things I agree with him on, for the most part I believe he will take this country in the wrong direction. Socialism, regardless of how mild, is not the course the US should take.

I also cannot, in good conscience, vote for John McCain. While he is the lesser of the two major evils, that cannot justify voting for him. Compromise on principle will not lead to victory. It is for a lack of people taking a stand that we are in this position in the first place. Mr. McCain is an admirable man, but his policies are all too often Obama lite.

I wish I could vote Libertarian, however, they nominated Bob Barr, the worst of both worlds, Republican and Libertarian. There are many reasons not to vote Barr.

Nor can I vote for any of the potpourri that Ron Paul endorsed, Nader, McKinney, Baldwin or any of the other crackpots. All of them have positions or temperaments which are unacceptable.

Instead, I will be writing in Ron Paul, despite his wishes. I will be voting not for the man, but the principles. They are the only hope for America. There is no other vote I can cast with a clear conscience.

Many believe I am throwing away my vote. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Indeed, voting for the lesser of two evil because you won't stand up for your beliefs is throwing your vote away, conceding to a system which gives you only a ceremonial choice. Everyone should vote for what they believe in, regardless of it's popularity.

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