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Thursday, November 6, 2008

News Potpourri

Here are a couple random news stories which caught my eye:

Speaker Pelosi says that Mr. Obama must govern from the center. Democrats claim to have learned their lesson about overreaching when they have command of Congress and the White House. It remains to be seen if this is in fact the case, and also if Speaker Pelosi actually knows what the center is.

The Domestic Automakers are yet again claiming they are victims of circumstances not of their making, and that they may not survive to see Mr. Obama inaugurated without help/welfare. For the love of Adam Smith, let capitalism work and let these worthless companies die much deserved deaths!

With the price of oil falling to below what is needed to support his socialist programs, Mr. Chavez has diversified his thievery/nationalization into the gold industry. It remains to be seen what it will take for Mr. Chavez to be forced from office. What is already apparent is that "new" populist-mild-socialism also does not work.

In a news piece which is likely to be buried, it has been discovered that parts of nature can reduce global warming on their own. Apparently, things besides "awareness" can affect the world.

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