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Monday, December 1, 2008

Northern Command

Traditionally, the Northern Command, which is responsible for the United States, has not been assigned troops. That is because the US does not use troops for law enforcement, and we weren't exactly worried about getting invaded by Canada or Mexico.

That is changing now. There will now be 20,000 troops deployed to the US to prepare for a large scale event. They will allegedly be used only for that purpose.

I am torn about how to feel about this. On the one hand, what is stated as their mission is completely harmless, and seems to be specifically tailored to meet the objections of people like me. There will be minimal troops tasked to security, and they will allegedly be only for the defense of the unit.

However, this is a dangerous precedent, and the type of event that has been used elsewhere to transition to using the military more and more against civilians.

So far the plan seems to be sound. However, as has been stated many times and observed less, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

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