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Sunday, December 28, 2008

UAW Execs Living It Up?

With the US auto industry crashing and burning, arguably because of the outrageous demands by the the UAW, surely the union is conserving every penny of the union dues in case of layoffs, right? Nope. They're spending money on a lavish retreat, only unlike AIG, the MSM gives them a pass. That's right, the interest from the strike fund pays for a lavish country club/golf retreat for the UAW brass. While this is their right, it makes me even less sympathetic to their whining for money. The union all but bankrupted the big three while lining their own pockets. Pres. Bush did not force them into bankruptcy, where the union mob's back could have been broken, and you can be sure Pres. Elect Obama will do everything he can to help the unions who helped win him the election. Remember this the next time you see a UAW rep on the news whining about corporate greed and government apathy.

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