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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chambliss Blocks a D60, But At A Price

Saxby Chambliss (R, GA) has won his runoff election, thereby blocking the Democratic party from achieving a filibusterer proof majority in the Senate. There is now one legislative check on the power of the Democrats as a party. Though Mr. Obama so far shows every sign of governing from the center, it also acts as a check on Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi, who may not be so moderate.

Mr. Chambliss is likely a good man, and we agree on more than a few issues. However, some of his failings illustrate why the Republicans are now in the minority in both houses, have lost the White House and look likely to struggle to change the situation barring a failure on the part of the Democrats.

Many of Mr. Chambliss's weaknesses are stereotypical of a Republican Party that is increasingly dependent on a small group of reactionary political illiterates to win elections. His son is a lobbyist for an issue on which the Senator is one the committee for, though he is allegedly barred from lobbying his father. Mr. Chambliss advocated "arresting every Muslim who crosses state lines", though he later apologized.

Worst of all was his 2002 election tactics. Mr. Chambliss dodged the draft for the Vietnam War by receiving 6 deferments for various issues. He is what is known as a "chicken hawk", one who dodged the Vietnam draft with connections, then voted for the Iraq war and impugned the patriotism of anyone who opposed it. The Bush administration was full of them. However, Mr. Chambliss took it to another level.

His opponent, Max Cleland was a decorated Vietnam Veteren, who lost three limbs in the service. Mr. Chambliss, referring to votes cast by Mr. Cleland to protect worker's rights in the new DHS, accused Mr. Cleland of being soft on terrorism and the war, and implicitly attacking his patriotism. That's right. The draft dodger attacked the patriotism of a man who not only served with distinction in Vietnam, but left three of his limbs there! John McCain(R, AZ) said the ad was "worse than disgraceful, it was reprehensible" and Sen. Hagel(R, NE) said it was "beyond offensive to me".

At the core, the Republican party is based on solid ideas. In fact, these ideas should resonate with young voters, who are independent and grew up with no expectation of job security. However, the party needs to make a conscious choice to renounce the fear based mudslinging, xenophobia and jingoism that it has recently relied on.

The Republican Party needs to lay out a clear, positive vision for what it stands for, and then mobilize for the 21st century. If it does not, it is destined to be the permanent opposition minority.

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