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Sunday, October 12, 2008

An Obama Theory You Haven't Heard Before

As I was glancing through one the blogosphere, I happened upon an article on Copious Dissent which linked to an interesting article. In it, the author argues that Bill Ayers, the weatherman/domestic terrorist/some guy from Mr. Obama's neighborhood, actually wrote "Dreams of My Father", not Mr. Obama. If proved to be true, or even just that Mr. Obama did not write the book, this would completely change the race. While the article is somewhat convincing, and in any case raises some interesting questions, it is hardly a smoking gun. However, it will be interesting to see what, if anything comes of this. As any student of history can tell you, there is no shortage of outrageous slander in Presidential races, nor shortage of "dispelled rumors" that were proved years later.

If anything does come of it, you can be sure that Mr. Obama's surrogates will blame Mr. McCain, as they have for some of the ugly rhetoric now common at Republican rallies. While Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have been uneven in the depths they are sinking to, this misses the point. There are very few "McCain voters". Most people who are voting for him are really voting against Mr. Obama. Thus, while he has a responsibility to be civil, he cannot be blamed for many of his "supporters" actions. Sadly, it looks quite possible that this country may see some post-election violence, regardless of outcome.

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