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Monday, October 13, 2008

Academia and Marxism

Academia's link to Marxist philosophy is well known. In history, the schools of thought are Pre-Marxist, Marxist, and Post-Marxist. The relevant question is, what effect, conscious or subconscious, does this leave imprinted on those who spend significant time in academia? I spent a mere 15 months at a University before graduating, and though there were certainly other factors, I found myself drifting to the left. Though the real world again changed my mind, I remember the effect.

Mr. Obama spent significant time in Academia, and it could be argued that he shows signs of that Marxist influence. He has said he wants to "spread the wealth around", which, of course, is one of the central tenants of Marxism. Another Marxist classic is turning neighbors against each other, or as Mr. Obama said "Get in their face". Mr. Obama has also hardly been a champion of free speech in this election. Fidel Castro all but endorses him. Mr. Obama also supports drafting women, hardly a centrist position. Then there is the issue of his association with Mr. Ayers.

This is not to say that Mr. Obama would abolish private property upon becoming President, nor that he is a Communist plant. However, the whiff of Marxism is a legitimate issue. Mr. Obama would only help himself by directly addressing it.

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