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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Democratic 527 Group: Democratic Voters "Idiots"

Sometimes a news story comes along that is shocking because somebody finally says what everybody on both sides knows is true about their own party. In this case, a 527 group in Colorado, in a memo coordinating with elected officials(hmm, not sure that is kosher) listed one of the key responsibilities of labor as "educating the idiots" who he defined as minorities, GED's, and dropouts. There are so many angles here that I can't even cover all of them. First off, can you imagine if a Republican called minorities idiots that needed to be told what to do?

However, the central point is more general. Doubtless, many Democrats legitimately are concerned for the "underprivileged" that they seek to help. However, many either pity them and believe they must be told what to do, or simply exploit them for political gain. This is not an either/or proposition, and much of it is subconscious.

What this illustrates is the difference between the two positions. Libertarians, and real Conservatives, believe that people should be empowered to do as much as possible of their own thinking. Democrats (along with neocons and much of the religious right) believe they know what is best for everyone, and therefore that they should dictate it. Inherent in this is a disdain for the intellect and rights of the majority of people, that only the political class has the "right" views on how to live life, and should impose it on others. Whether or not this is related to Communist belief systems, with their emphasis on the "revolutionaries"(political class) controlling everything "for the good of the people", I leave to the reader to decide.

The left will retort that only the rich have choices, that the poor are forced into situations where there hand is forced(another Marxist principle, called determinism, but I digress). For example, they no doubt would claim that only the rich have the choice of health insurance, as the poor cannot afford it. Sidestepping truths such as personal responsibility, let us look at the situation more closely. What they really mean is that if you give the rich the choice of paying for the poor's insurance, they may not, which in their twisted logic means the poor are deprived of choice. Now, under the libertarian/Conservative plan, the rich can still choose to help the poor (who exactly do you think funds charities?), but under the liberal plan, the rich cannot choose not to help, the political class has made that choice. Since they don't believe the poor have choices(determinism), their goal is the elimination of choice. (Side note: isn't it interesting that choice now is assumed to mean about abortion unless otherwise quantified?)

In fact, the Democratic extreme is almost devoid of choice. You can't choose your income, you can't choose to own guns, you can't choose your health care(it's state-run), you can't choose you kid's school, you can't choose your sexuality(different kind of can't, but related principle), you can't choose to be public about your faith, you can't choose to play "violent" sports, you can't choose anything except whether or not to have an abortion(but a doctor can't choose not to help you). Of course, apparently that's what all feminism/Democracy comes down to, which is why Ms. Palin is reviled by so many.

Given this, it's not surprising that the Democrats would have to tell the "idiot""minority""dropouts" what to do. They don't believe they have a choice. They don't believe they should have a choice. What is surprising is that they admit it. What isn't surprising is how this won't affect the election. After all, they're "idiots". That's why they vote Democrat.

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