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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Drug Testing For Government Money?

So, some politicians who want to make a name for themselves are proposing drug testing people who receive unemployment, welfare, etc from the government. First off, in the case of unemployment, it's the money they paid into the system, so it's not government money/taxpayer money anyway. As far as everything else, decide whether you are going to treat them as a human or an animal. Either give them the money, and let them spend it as they see fit, or give them the food, housing, etc, that you consider proper. This is ridiculous political grandstanding.

On the topic of regulating what people who get government money can do, how about keeping the Iraqis from executing people for being gay(and don't pull out your bibles/Korans unless your going to execute people for everything included under the death penalty)?


Valerie said...

I agree it is political grandstanding. Not only that but I cannot see how drug testing would be helping save the taxpayers any money. Pulling all those people in for drug tests, weekly or monthly or quarterly or annually (which if your spacing it out that far what is the point really?)is going to get really expensive really quick. It just isn't cost effective.

I think these politicians would be better off figuring out ways to get the job market up and running again so people can get off the government dole instead.

Courtney said...

I know the suggestion of not taking taxpayer money in the first place is a moot point.

So, at the risk of being Captain Obvious, how about not using taxpayer money to support welfare in the first place? That would save a lot of time in debate. If you must spend it on the leeches -- and impose new regulations on them -- why not require them to attend job training classes?

If you attend these classes AND get a job, you get a handout. It could be a bonus for becoming a wage-earner. Then they would understand the power of earned income, and not want others to take it away from them. And so the cycle continues, but better.

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