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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another Dem Avoids Taxes

Now it looks like former Sen. Daschle didn't pay all his taxes until the scrutiny of higher office. It's amazing how many Democrats avoid paying the taxes that Vice President Biden called "patriotic". Does this mean they are unpatriotic by the definition of their own party? It increasingly seems as though senior Democrats don't like paying their taxes. Guess what? No one does. But not everyone votes consistently to raise taxes. It would at least be ideologically consistent for Republicans to avoid paying taxes (though it's been a while since one's been accused). But Democrats claim that taxes are necessary and good, then avoid paying them. Talk about hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

Yeah... except, Republicans have consistently increased spending over the last 8 years, right? So what's a politician to do? I'm a Republican, but I actually don't think we can criticize the Dems on this right now. Not until we get our spending under control.

The Editor said...

I tend to agree. I would say the solution is to work on breaking the monopoly of the two parties which is what allows so much of this nonsense. On a personal level, this entails engaging people in a non-confrontational discourse to help them realize that this is an issue. Voting for third parties/non-parties is also an important symbolic gesture.

That people perceive that they can only vote for A or B is a sign our political system is failing. When you look at Republicans vs. Democrats, you wonder if there really is that much difference.

The reason criticizing this behavior matter is this: When the IRS finds the type of violations Daschle/Rangel/Kennedy/etc committed(vs. background investigators for someone politically connected) everyday citizens have their lives ruined. These are not minor technicalities. They are criminal acts. Add to this that it's people who inflict taxes on others, and you have a situation analogous to the head of the DEA doing lines of coke.

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